International Perception’s for Indonesia
by Marliza Nurhayati
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Indonesia has more than 17.000 islands. Indonesia does not only have huge territory but also consist about problems that derive from the huge territory. Due to those thousand islands, Indonesia has many unique cultures, which can make Indonesia different from other country and can show its identity. Because of that, some Indonesia’s neighbors want to steal the Indonesian richness. Like Malaysia, it often tries to take Indonesian culture and Indonesian territory. Malaysia makes statement that Reog Ponorogo, an Indonesian culture from East Java is their culture. They make right patent for the culture. In the other side, Indonesian people and Indonesian government seem not care about that, they just give comment when heard about the news from TV or other mass media “it’s very cruel“. They just give comment without do something. Moreover, the government is not show the emphatic to solve that problem. Therefore, emphasis from the government, attention, nationalism, and care from Indonesian people are necessary to strengthen Indonesian existence in international point of view.
First, we talk about our country Indonesia, international point of view about that and how important international point of view for Indonesia. Indonesia is very rich especially the identity and territory. Indonesia has many kinds of culture and every province in Indonesia has a unique culture. It makes Indonesia famous around the world, and can get good rating from international point of view. Nevertheless, Indonesia cannot use it well, and have some problem about it. Like territory problem, sometimes Indonesia’s island is taking by Indonesia’s neighbor country or the culture problem, Indonesian culture often taking by others country. That problem can lower international point of view for Indonesia. Actually, international point of view gives some advantages for Indonesia. It can help Indonesia develop economic sector, if Indonesia famous and has good rating in international world, many country in the outside will know about Indonesia our country and it can make many tourist from other country interest to come to Indonesia. It will give big income for our country. In order that, international point of view is important for our country, because Indonesian big problem is economy, good rating in international world and Indonesia’s famous can help develop Indonesian economy sector.
Second, we talk about what make Indonesia do not get good rating from international world. It because Indonesia people character, most of Indonesian people do not care about their culture’s law. They ignore about the law like right reserved and right patent for their own culture and say “its mine so no one can take it from me”. In this globalization era, every thing must have clear law. If do not clear the law, other country can take it easily, they make the right reserved or right patent for the culture and say that the culture is them. Like bali’s carving was taken by a company from Canada named PT. KTI. In addition, Indonesian people are not proud and respect of their own culture. They usually choose import product like import clothes. They will proud if they can use product from other country, but most of them will unhappy if they use they traditional clothes. It makes our culture can take by the others country easily, because the owner of the culture is not care their culture and let it happen. However, Indonesian people will give comment and noisy. They criticize very angry and blame others, they do not know that the problem can happen also because of them. They ignore their country problem and busy to their own business without thinking more about culture and territory problem this country, Indonesia their village and their house. They do not care and give attention to their country, they will be proud if spend holiday in other country and will be happy if use other country products. It happens because they are disappearance their nationalism spirit.
The international point of view problem is more serious not only because of the Indonesian people character but also because of Indonesian government. The government seems do not care and not show the empathy to solve that territory and culture problems. They usually take that problem easy. They will think more to solve small problem like, a gift for DPR’s members or something like that. They ignore the big problem like our culture problems, that can make Indonesia can grow be a big country. Sometimes they let others county make right reserved and patent for Indonesian culture that life in Indonesia since Indonesia not get the freedom yet to others country In Indonesia’ department. However, Indonesian government does not want say that because of their fault, they usually have many reasons to hide the problem and their fault. They will show to publics that they care and will solve the problem but in fact, the problem is not really finish. The government is not show the emphasis to solve the problem. It can lower international point of view for Indonesia.
The solutions to solve those problems are care, attention, and nationalism from Indonesian people. Indonesian people should aware that this country need them, they must more sensitive to their country’s problems and respect their own culture. They must make habit to use their own country’s product like, clothes and socialize that to others country. They must proud to use it. It can increase their nationalism spirit. For the government, should show the empathy to solve Indonesian richness problems, Indonesian government should make a clear law about Indonesian culture and Indonesian territory because it can make easier when solve problem about that. It is not full of the government fault but all side in this country. Therefore, we must solve that problem together and do our best in all situations to defend our lovely country Indonesia.
We can conclude that international point of view is important for Indonesia. By the international point of view, Indonesia can develop its economy sector. However, most of Indonesian people are not aware about that. Moreover, participation from all side in this country can strengthen Indonesia’s existence international point of view. Nationalism, care, attention from Indonesian people are needed to make Indonesia more famous and get high rating in international world. Indonesian government empathy needed to make Indonesia stronger in international world. All side in this country is give contribution to make Indonesia can grow better and get high rating international point of view.
3 komentar:
ondeeh writing lai koo?
iyo lah mer....
klan ado tgs tapi...
buek lah lai...
dosen kesayangan kmu mah....
tugas listening? alah !!
tingga di print senyo :p
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