Menulis Surat Lamaran dengan Bahasa Inggris
penjelasan dan contoh :)
Surat Lamaran lerja ke PT Garuda Indonesia as A stewardess
( An Aplication Letter to PT Garuda Indonesia As A Stewardess )
1. Kepala Surat (* diletakkan di tepi kanan atau kiri atas surat…)
Padang, March 03, 2009
Jl. Sawo no. 1 Purus 5
Padang 25116
2. Alamat surat ( dibawah kepala surat biasanya di tpi kiri surat dan di jarakan 1 baris dari kepala surat )
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman no.2
Padang 25326
3. Pembuka surat
Dear sirs, ( jika tidak tahu penerima laki laki atau perempuan )
Regarding to your advertisement on daily “ Singgalang ” on 23rd February 2009 that you are looking for stewardess. I would like to apply for the post. ( jorokan 1 tab ) ( todak di jarakan dari dear sirs-nya..)
4. Isi surat.
Isi dengan hal hal menarik tentang kita, kelabihan kekurangan dan kemampuan yang kita miliki sama dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan tersebut atau seperti yang diminta pada iklan mereka.
Pertama isi dulu tentang biodata kita setelah itu baru penjelasan tentang diri kita. Bagian inilah yang boleh ditulis dengan lumayan panjang.
Example :
I’m Marliza Nurhayati and was born in Balikpapan at 23rd June 1992. I graduated from SMA 2 Padang. Now, I’m a collage student at State University of Padang majoring English Education. I’m confidence that I’m qualified for the position because I meet the qualification that your company has required. I’m cheerful and active person. I'm able to speak both English and Japanese. I took an English course for active communication at LB-LIA Padang until the highest level. My height is 170 cm with proportional weight, 52 kg. I’m in healthy condition and do not use glasses or contact lens.
• Jika kita sedang bekerja di suatu tempat maka juga bolah disebutkan
Contonhya :
……………. At the moment, I’m working as a sales manager in a big company in Bandung. I worked there for 3 years. ………………………
5. Penutup surat.
Pada bagian penutup surat ini nyatakan apa yang di lapirkan untuk melengkapi data yang ada dan sertfikat ( jika ada) sebagai pendukung kalimat kita pada bagian isi.
Contohnya :
Herewith, I enclose my recent photograph and complete curriculum vitae (CV). I would be happy to send any further detail that you may require. I would be available for an interview at any time. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon in the near future.
Padang, March 03, 2009
Jl. Sawo no. 1 Purus 5
Padang 25116
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman no.2
Padang 25326
Dear Sirs,
Regarding to your advertisement on daily “Singgalang” on 23rd February 2009 that you are looking for stewardess. I would like to apply for the post.
I’m Marliza Nurhayati and was born in Balikpapan at 23rd June 1992. I graduated from SMA 2 Padang. Now, I’m a collage student at State University of Padang majoring English Education. I’m confidence that I’m qualified for the position because I meet the qualification that your company has required. I’m cheerful and active person. I'm able to speak both English and Japanese. I took an English course for active communication at LB-LIA Padang until the highest level. My height is 170 cm with proportional weight, 52 kg. I’m in healthy condition and do not use glasses or contact lens.
Herewith, I enclose my recent photograph and complete curriculum vitae (CV). I would be happy to send any further detail that you may require. I would be available for an interview at any time. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon in the near future.
Yours Faithfully,
Marliza Nurhayati
tq... jika ada pertanyaan blh ditanya lgsung... just give comment... :D
Life is a Choice. It's Me. Take it or Leave it, Dude. Cuma sepenggal kisah gadis yang sangat sulit beradaptasi dengan keramaian.
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011
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